Rental Service

JCB offers privileges to the members who use Hertz Rent-a-Car in specific countries and regions.
The company has a variety of new model vehicles that you can select depending on your travel plan including business or leisure trips.


Service Period

April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025

JCB Discount Information

  • Save 10% off an affordable rate or 5-20% off a regular standard rate.

  • *

    The discount is not available for some areas, vehicle types and price ranges. Please check the conditions for the discounts at the time of your reservation.

Member's Privilege Number(Hertz CDP Number) 2072925
  • *

    Press check box Enter a Discount or Promo Code After opening the box please input CDP#2072925 in the Discount / CDP Club Code.


Hertz website

Countries Name of country / area Save 10% off an affordable rate 5-20% off a regular standard rate
North America
Canada Y Y
United States Y Y
Pacific Ocean Oceania
Australia Y Y
Guam Y Y
Northern Mariana Islands Y Y
  • *

    The discount may not be available depending on timing, areas, vehicle types, etc.

  • *

    The details may change without notice.

  • *

    Due to the wide range of prices, the discount is available only in two categories: an already-discounted price and a regular price, etc.

  • *

    The information posted is as of April 1, 2024.

Limited Time Campaign


For details and reservations, see the Hertz web page.

Hertz web page


For details and reservations, see the Hertz web page.

Hertz web page